Supply Chain Management in the Retail Industry

Supply Chain Management in the Retail Industry

List Price: $186.13
Item Price : $107.75-$111.65 Check Price
Item ASIN: 0471723193
Top Feature :
Supply Chain Management

Item Description:

In a clear and highly readable format, this book defines supply chains, focusing on the impact they have in the retail industry.

Understand step-by-step how supply chains are organized, the factors that impact their operations, and what that means to the customer.

A complete set of powerpoint lecture slides and sample course syllabus is available by contacting co-author Michael Hugos at the Center for Systems Innovation.

Combine this textbook with the online SCM Globe supply chain simulator for a complete learning package.

SCM Globe is a laboratory where students model and simulate the operations of actual retail supply chains anywhere in the world.

Students apply what they learn in readings and lectures to solve supply chain problems in highly realistic simulations.

Engage students and increase knowledge retention.

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